10 Books Perfect for Halloween

I love to read seasonal books. Over the past couple of years the Halloween books have exploded and I’m not complaining. This weeks Top Ten Tuesday is a Halloween Freebie so I’m just going basic and pulling up books I think would be perfect to read today.

The Cottage on Pumpkin and Vine | This is my current kindle read and it is perfect for Halloween. It’s a collection of three short stories centered on this Inn that is all decked out for Halloween. It’s surprisingly very steamy and I’m not mad about it. From the cover I was expecting a cozy halloween romance but boy did it make my eyes pop (in the best way).

The Haunting of Aveline Jones | This book also takes place leading up to Halloween and is a spooky middle grade ghost story. I haven’t got my hands on this yet but I am dying to read it and share it with my girls.

From Here To Eternity | What’s so fascinating about death practices? I haven’t read this one yet because I am going through some anxiety surrounding death right now but I am still morbidly curious about how other people view and approach death.

Spookily Yours | I saw an aesthetic instareel of this on @brittyoreads and immediately added to my TBR. No idea what it is about about except that it’s a Halloween themed romance between a witch and a cat demon. No other words are needed.

A Dowry of Blood | I read this this October and enjoyed it (a solid 3 stars). To me it’s a mash up of Dracula (it follows his first bride) and Interview with a Vampire. Perfect for a Halloween night.

Toil & Trouble | This is a collection of YA short stories which are centered on witchy women. I am sort of shying away from the YA now a days but I love a YA anthology. I know a couple of the contributors (like Brandy Colbert) but a lot of them are new to me.

Suburban Hell | Give me anything set in a suburb with a group of moms. Add some horror elements?! YES! I will definitely be reading this next year.

Ravenfall | I read aloud this atmospheric middle grade book last year during the month of October. I absolutely loved it and plan to grab the next one in the series that takes place during Hanukkah. It’s a magical Inn in a magical town where two kids must defeat a magical creature on Halloween. Perfection.

Scream for Us | A smutty romance with a heroine and three masked men?! That takes place during a Halloween party?!

Vampires of El Norte | I read The Hacienda last month and it was so good. I feel like her style of writing is perfect for a more atmospheric horror that isn’t too dark and scary. I’m going to save this one for next year.

Can’t wait to see what everyone’s Halloween Freebie is!

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